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Health Tips

You are what you eat... eat your way to better health. 
Consider Super Foods next time you do your weekly shop

Eggs are loaded with NUTRIENTS some of which are rare in the modern diet.

Eggs are incredibly fulfilling. Did you know eating eggs for breakfast increases the feeling of fullness for much longer than most cereals. Which in turn should help you eat less calories throughout the rest of the day.

Eggs are a great source of protein and can assist with weight loss. They can help with brain development and memory not to mention they help protect your eye sight.

Bonus - Eggs are versatile and not expensive. 

If eggs are not your thing Oats are full of fibre and slow release energy. They can help prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol. If you need a quick breakfast in the morning and think you don’t have time to prepare eggs and cook porridge then here’s a quick tip if you add your cold milk or water to your oats the night before and leave in the fridge they will be perfectly ready for instant eating in the morning.

Tomatoes can help lower cholesterol, they con Tin high amounts of fibre and vitamin C.

Black Beans can equal extra energy, they contain protein, fibre and energy boosting iron

Broccoli can help improve skin texture, leaving you looking younger and feeling better about yourself. It contains vitamin C and one portion contains a big percentage of your daily recommended amount of folic acid.

Salmon is a tasty and clever super food. It contains omega 3 fatty acids and It can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.



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